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Gardening Monthly To-Do's

September While your thoughts may be turning to football and fall parties, it's still hot, so do not forget to water your plants in the early morning hours regularly this month!

Plant or Overseed Fescue Grass

If you are thinking of changing over to fescue grass or have areas of fescue grass that needs to be overseeded after the long dry summer, then you need to do it as early as possible in the month. If you decide to opt for Bermuda mixed with winter rye, then you can put this task off until the first few days of October. If you are not planning to overseed your grass, then use a pre-emergent herbicide during the first week of the month to control cool season grassy weeds and a broadleaf winter pre-emergent herbicide two weeks later.

Plant Your Fall Garden

There are many vegetables that do extremely well when grown in the cooler days of autumn. Consider grouping your crops into frost-tolerant and non-frost tolerant when planting. While you will want to check the time to harvest on each variety that you choose, it is best to add a week or two because shorter fall days usually means vegetables mature slower. If you opt to forego the garden, then plant Elbon rye to protect the space throughout the winter.

Divide Spring Perennials

Mark your calendars because you have about two weeks starting at the end of the month to divide and replant your perennials that bloom in the spring like daisies, daffodils, irises, yarrow and daylilies. If you miss this window, then you have lost the opportunity for a whole year.

Add Fall Color

While the beautiful fall foliage may still be several weeks away, now is the perfect time to add fall color to your landscaping by planting marigolds, asters, chrysanthemum and other autumn plants.

Sow Spring Wildflowers

September is the perfect time for planting bluebonnets, cornflowers, daisies and other wildflowers. Take the time to press them into the soil's surface, so you lose less to birds and wildlife.

Fertilize Your Grass

Run a soil test and see if you need to fertilize your grass one more time this year. It is a great time to take a soil sample and send it to Texas A&M University or Stephen F. Austin to get it professionally tested for a very low cost. Then, you will be set to create your fertilizer plan for next year.

Treat Brown Patches in St. Augustine While we hope that fall brings rain to North Texas, if it does, then conditions may be right for brown patches to appear in St. Augustine lawns. Shorter days, cooler temperatures and moisture set up the perfect growing conditions for this fungus. If you see it, then it needs to be treated with a labeled fungicide.

Treat Black Spot Disease on Roses

If you notice black spots and a powdery mildew on your roses, then they need to be treated with a labeled fungicide. These symptoms are caused by a fungus, and it will spread throughout the winter if not killed during the autumn.

Protect Fruit Trees From Webworms and Borers

Keep a close eye on your fruit trees during the fall. If you notice webs in them, then chances are that webworms have invaded. Cut out their webs or use a product to kill the webworms. Also, treat your peach trees for borers if you see signs.

Fall is such a busy time that you better call Cut-N-Edge Lawn & Landscape in Rockwall, Texas, to come help you out with your landscaping needs.

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